Seutter, Matthaeus-Graecia Nova et Mare Aegeum s. Archipelagus, in qua Mappa Macedonia, Epirus, Thessalia et Morea, cum circumjacentibus Insulis Corcyra, Cephalonia, Zacynthos, Stalimene, Chios distincte exibentur, opera et sumptibus Matthaei Seutteri, S. Cae. et Reg. Cath. Maj. Geogr. et Chalc. Augustani. ... Augsburg, M. Seutter, 1730-40 [50 x 57,8 cm]
Copper-engraving, handcolored in outline and wash , when published. A fine and strong impression of this decorative map of Greece with the Aegaen Sea and the islands of the Greek Archipelago.