Janssonius, Joan.GrecceThraciae Veteris Typus Ex conatibus Geographicis Abrab. Ortelij; Petrus Kaerius Caelavit. Amsterdam, Janssonius Joan. 1662 [36 x 48,5 cm]
Copper-engraving, decorative handcolored in outline and wash. Published in a Dutch text edition of J. Jansson's historical Atlas. This antique map of Thracia is engraved and published by J. Janssonius after the cartographical sources by Abraham Ortelius. Ornated in the upper left corner with a title cartouche and dedication to Ortelius. Further on we find two extensive text cartouches with listings of place names. In the upper right corner the cartouche 'Loca Circa Byzantium' with a listing of place names belonging to Byzant and in the lower right corner a large text cartouche 'Thraciae Aliquot Incogniti Situs Loca' with a listing of place names belonging to Thraciae. The map is highly decorative mountains, rivers, cities and many small place names are engraved.