[Anonymous] Probe der Gattererschen Charten zur Geschichte der Voelkerwanderung
XVIIII Geographia Migrationis Gentium: Periodus XVIII, a conjunctione Regni Burgundici cum Germania et ab inition Imperii Seldschuzkidarum usque ad initium Regnorum Siciliae udriusque ae Portugalliae et Imperii Mohadarum h. e, ab A 1037 - 1127 et 1146
Weimar, Geographisches Institut 1820 [29,2 x 32,4 cm]
Copper engraving, hand colored in outline and wash. Interesting historical map showing the migration of people in Europe, North Africa and the Middle East between AD 1037-1146.
In excellent condition. The map was originally published folded, so that the old folds are still slightly visible. Lower left side cut close to the engraved border, as published.